Use "realization|realizations" in a sentence

1. Anteroom’s realization of Manfred Werder’s composition “2005/1″ has been released by Another Timbre as part of an online collection of different realizations of the piece by different musicians from around the world

2. Allomorphs are different realizations of one morpheme (Yule 72)

3. 18 Popular realizations of MPI standard are CHIMP and LAM and so on.

4. The variant realizations of a linguistic variable do not encode different referential meanings.

5. Listen to Anteroom’s realization.

6. However, this realization comes too late.

7. As realization dawned, he went pale.

8. Phonemes are related to speech meaning while Allophones are related to speech realizations, or enunciations

9. Acquirement: See: acquisition , distress , edification , realization , receipt

10. 2 Ineffable realizations are experienced; and in fact, as we read about them, we can only be amazed.

11. It was the realization of his greatest ambition.

12. Actualization: See: act , commission , embodiment , fait accompli , realization

13. How had the managers come to this realization?

14. Then sudden realization that it would not stop.

15. Churn rate is a tough realization for any business

16. The ten stories in Bewildered examine small-world disruptions―mistimed infatuations, devastating diagnoses, the realizations inherent in loss.

17. 17 synonyms for Comprehension: understanding, grasp, conception, realization, sense

18. And that realization was about to change my life.

19. And it provides a platform independency, application transparent realization.

20. Instances of the second more sudden realization are rarer.

21. This realization of our dreams surpassed even our wildest expectations.

22. I was hit by the realization that I might die.

23. The realization of phase gradient autofocus ( PGA ) algorithm was described.

24. Aware definition is - having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge

25. There is a growing realization that changes must be made.

26. Ananda’s primary goal is to help people achieve Self-realization

27. What realization regarding offenders should affect our attitude toward them?

28. Let's pull together for the early realization of the four modernizations.

29. I was shocked by the realization of what I had done.

30. Ashrama 4 is one of renunciation and the realization of dharma

31. The final realization of cognition is finished by the holographic recapitulation.

32. Again, the realization of the downside of being beautiful hit Matt.

33. He did not live to see the realization of his dream.

34. I gradually awakened to the realization that our marriage was over.

35. The enemy troops had a cold realization of their hard situation.

36. The realization of hypotheca is the core content of hypothecation system.

37. The experiments for Boolean retrieval, which are based on real-life library data and librarians' queries, compare three alternative SQL realizations.

38. Each of the various realizations is called an Alternant.The variation may be conditioned by the phonological, morphological, and/or syntactic environment in which the morpheme finds itself

39. Therefore, the realization of industrial conversion must consider the influent factors fully.

40. Digital pilot balloon theodolite system design and realization based on C8051F023 MCU.

41. The framework and realization of a multi - user ammeter system is introduced.

42. As she continued her oratorical massacre, he came to a sober realization.

43. (Isaiah 59:5) From conception to realization, Judah’s schemes produce nothing substantial.

44. We shall gladly lend every effort in our power toward its realization.

45. But, obviously it didn't take into consideration the realization of new OSS.

46. The best Consultative sellers are less salespeople, more allies in realization and improvement

47. We have seen an experimental realization of this type of convection in Fig.

48. To win the Olympic gold medal was the realization of his life's dream.

49. Partitioning of the components of a transceiver unit for realization in an ic

50. They have no realization of the forces at work in Latin American today.

51. Polymer matrix formed by polymeric walls alternated with empty channels and realization method

52. He came to the realization that he would never make a good teacher.

53. It seemed that the realization of his life's dream oppressed him with overjoy.

54. I have come to the realization that life is unjust in many ways.

55. We saw the terrible realization of what she'd done dawn on her face.

56. “The realization that I had suddenly lost my mate and best friend overwhelmed me.

57. Methods : The realization mechanism based on multi - agent and micro - circulation were dis - cussed.

58. ‘A phone is a realization in sound of a phoneme, and an Allophone is one such realization among others: for example, English /n/ is normally alveolar, but is dental before the dental fricative in ‘tenth’.’

59. ‘A phone is a realization in sound of a phoneme, and an Allophone is one such realization among others: for example, English /n/ is normally alveolar, but is dental before the dental fricative in ‘tenth’.’

60. When realization hits that there is nothing one can say to expose the Belittlings

61. Organization and/or realization of lectures, seminars, conferences, workshops and advanced vocational training programs

62. The realization of - business confidentiality, integrity, authenticity can not be forged and non - repudiation.

63. According to Psychology research, metacognition plays an important role in the realization of activeness.

64. Awakening definition: The Awakening of a feeling or realization is the start of it

65. Synonyms for Achievings include perfection, achievement, realisation, realization, fulfillment, fulfilment, accomplishments, actualization, completions and

66. Ensuring dossier complete , select and quality suitable suppliers with Purchasing and check quality realization.

67. In this discourse , the design and realization of some avionic video recorder is described.

68. Here is a simple definition: Advaita is a philosophical and spiritual tradition of self-realization

69. This graduation project my primary cognizance client side hospital information management realization organization and design.

70. He nearly cried out at the sudden realization of how much Randall looked like him.

71. The implementation of house property hypothecation is beneficial to the realization of promoting these goals.

72. Apparently they have no realization of the dangers inherent in their lofty playgrounds however.

73. There is a growing realization that we must manage the earth's resources more carefully.

74. Therefore, realization of injury severity lays a foundation for effective treating with closed fracture.

75. Again, each month of failure postpones the realization of these expense reductions by another month.

76. It was fabulous, gorgeous in its excess, the ultimate realization of some untrammeled private fantasy.

77. The judge's power of explication an indispensable role the realization of substantive and procedural justice.

78. However, this realization occurs Analeptically, and Ofilwe ends her final indirect discourse in the present

79. The realization of the right to adequate housing requires appropriate use and distribution of resources.

80. I was struck by the sudden realization that I would probably never see her again.